MATH2010B - Advanced Calculus I - 2014/15
- Welcome to the class webpage Math 2010B. Please check this webpage frequently for any updates and announcements.
- Note that there is no tutorial class in the first week.
- The first homework is posted and is due at 6:30pm on Sep 11. Please hand in your homework to the suitable box (MATH 2010B) on 2nd floor Lady Shaw Building outside General Office of Math Department before the due time.
- The second homework is posted and is due at 6:30PM on Sep 23 (Tue).
- The first quiz will take place in class on Sep 18 (Thursday). It will cover topics up to the lecture on Sep 11 including cross product, lines and planes.
- The third homework is posted and is due at 6:30PM on Oct 3, 2014 (Friday).
- The first quiz has been returned in class. The mean is 15.25. If you haven't got back your quiz paper, you can either pick it up at my office or after class.
- Due to the current situation in Hong Kong, the due date for the 3rd homework will be moved to Oct 6, 2014 (Monday) at 6:30pm.
- Homework 4 is posted and is due at 6:30PM on Oct 10, 2014 (Friday).
- The second quiz will take place in the last 15 minutes of the lectures on Oct 9 (Thursday). It will cover topics up to and including 2D-limits (until last week's lecture).
- Homework 5 is posted and is due at 6:30PM on Oct 17, 2014 (Friday).
- The midterm will be held on Oct 28, 2014 (Tue) in class. The test will be 45 minutes. It will cover everything from week 1 to week 7 (i.e. up to and including the lecture on Oct 16). Please arrive at the lecture theatre about 5 min before 5:30pm and take alternate seating (have at least one empty seat next to you), we will begin the test at 5:30pm sharp.
- Homework 6 is posted and is due at 6:30PM on Oct 23, 2014 (Thursday).
- Homework 7 is posted and is due at 6:30PM on Oct 31, 2014 (Friday).
- Homework 8 is posted and is due at 6:30PM on Nov 6, 2014 (Thursday).
- Homework 9 is posted and is due at 6:30PM on Nov 14, 2014 (Friday).
- Midterm 2 has been returned. The mean is 42.6 out of a total of 60. Please come to me after class or to my office and pick up your paper if you haven't done so.
- The third quiz will take place in the last 15 minutes of the lectures on Nov 13 (Thursday). It will cover topics up to and including the lectures in Week 10 (including directional derivatives).
- Homework 10 is posted and is due at 6:30PM on Nov 21, 2014 (Friday).
- No need to hand in Homework 11 below! Suggested solutions to this homework will be provided by the end of Nov 27.
General Information
LI, Man Chun Martin
- Office: LSB 236
- Tel: 3943 1851
- Email:
Teaching Assistant
- Office: LSB 222B
- Tel: 3943 7963
- Email:
YU, Zhan
- Office: LSB 222A
- Tel: 3943 3575
- Email:
YU, Tang-Fei
- Office: LSB 222C
- Tel: 3943 8570
- Email:
Time and Venue
- Lecture: T10 (5:30PM - 6:15PM), ICS L1; H7-8 (2:30PM - 4:15PM), LHC 103
- Tutorial: T6 (1:30PM - 2:15PM), LSB LT3; T11 (6:30PM - 7:15PM), LSB LT4; H6 (1:30PM - 2:15PM), LSB LT3
Course Description
Functions of several variables, partial differentiation, differential and its geometric meaning, chain rule, maxima and minima, Lagrange multiplier, mean value theorem, Taylor series, and implicit function theorem.
- Thomas' Calculus, by Thomas, Weir, and Hass, of Pearson.
- Differential Multivariable Calculus, by Thomas Au, of McGraw Hill (ISBN 9781259074219)
- Calculus: Early Transcendentals, by Edwards and Penney, of Prentice Hall.
- Calculus on Manifolds, by Michael Spivak.
- Functions of Several Variables, by W. Fleming.
Lecture Notes
- Lecture Notes (week 1)
- Lecture Notes (week 2) - revised version on Sep 15
- Lecture Notes (week 3)
- Lecture Notes (week 4)
- Lecture Notes (week 5)
- Lecture Notes (week 6)
- Lecture Notes (week 7)
- Lecture Notes (week 8)
- Lecture Notes (week 9)
- Lecture Notes (week 10)
- Lecture Notes (week 11)
- Lecture Notes (week 12)
- Lecture Notes (week 13)
Tutorial Notes
- Tutorial Notes by YU Zhan (week 2)
- Tutorial Notes2
- Tutorial Notes3
- Tutorial Notes4
- Tutorial Notes5
- Tutorial Notes6
- Tutorial Notes7
- Tutorial Notes8
- Tutorial Notes9
- Tutorial Notes10
- Homework 1 (ONLY marked questions; due on 6:30pm, Sep 11)
- Homework 2 (ONLY marked questions; due on 6:30pm, Sep 23)
- Homework 3 (ONLY marked questions; due on 6:30pm, Oct 6)
- Homework 4 (ONLY marked questions; due on 6:30pm, Oct 10)
- Homework 5 (ONLY marked questions; due on 6:30pm, Oct 17)
- Homework 6 (ONLY marked questions; due on 6:30pm, Oct 23)
- Homework 7 (ONLY marked questions; due on 6:30pm, Oct 31)
- Homework 8 (ONLY marked questions; due on 6:30pm, Nov 6)
- Homework 9 (ONLY marked questions; due on 6:30pm, Nov 14)
- Homework 10 (ONLY marked questions; due on 6:30pm, Nov 21)
- Homework 11 (no need to hand in)
Quizzes and Exams
- Quiz 1
- Quiz 1 Suggested Solutions
- Quiz 2
- Quiz 2 Suggested Solutions
- Quiz 3
- Quiz 3 Suggested Solutions
- Midterm Solutions
- Homework 1 Suggested Solution
- Homework 2 Suggested Solution
- Homework 3 Suggested Solution
- Homework 4 Suggested Solution
- Homework 5 Suggested Solution
- Homework 6 Suggested Solution
- Homework 7 Suggested Solution
- Homework 8 Suggested Solution
- Homework 9 Suggested Solution
- Homework 10 Suggested Solution
- Homework 11 Suggested Solution
Assessment Scheme
Weekly Homework | 5% | |
Quizzes (3 in total, in week 3, week 6 and week 11) | 15% | |
Midterm (Oct 28, 2014 in class) | 30% | |
Final Exam (Tuesday, 16 Dec, 2014 15:30-17:30pm) | 50% |
Useful Links
Honesty in Academic Work
The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Although cases of cheating or plagiarism are rare at the University, everyone should make himself / herself familiar with the content of the following website: thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.
Last updated: December 15, 2014 14:29:51