CUHK Mathematics Outreach Project

CUHK – TUYF Partnership Project

Since 2019, The TUYF Charitable Trust graciously supported the CUHK – HKTLC collaboration project. In this pilot project, workshops, popular science talks and other events were organized for the students at Hong Kong True Light College to develop their comprehensive understanding and deep appreciation of mathematics. To promote collaborative learning and STEM education, students from Hong Kong True Light College, Kowloon True Light School, True Light Girls' College and True Light Middle School of Hong Kong are invited to join a mathematics day camp organized by the Department. It was a whole-day activity which provided an introduction to Boolean algebra and its practical applications through engaging group activities. Building upon years of extensive experience in organizing outreach activities and the successful collaboration with HKTLC over the past three years, the Department decided to implement the collaboration project on a community-wide scale.

Led by the outreach committee of the Department, the CUHK – TUYF Partnership Project was launched from 2024 onwards. This project aims to enhance students’ interest in mathematics and provide solid mathematical training for outstanding students. All activities under this project will be open to all local secondary schools to improve the effectiveness of the activities and increase the number of students who will benefit.

Project coordinators: Dr. Kai Leung Chan, Dr. Lily Li Pan

CUHK – TUYF Partnership Project (2024)

1. Workshop on Algebra
The workshop targets talented students with a deep interest in mathematics. It will provide participants with an opportunity for further study of algebra, which develops their ability in abstract and logical thinking. Participating students are required to complete coursework to understand their learning status.

Date: 5, 7 Aug 2024
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Speaker: Prof. Michael McBreen
Title: Groups and Symmetries
Abstract: This workshop explores the world of groups and symmetries. We will start with some basic questions : what are the symmetries of a human face? A tea cup? A sphere? We will see how symmetry can be used to solve seemingly complex problems in beautifully simple ways, and get to know some of the weirder groups of symmetries in two and three dimensions. We will examine attempts to classify symmetry groups. We will try and understand both the successes and the failures of this approach, and finally we will glimpse some of the enduring mysteries of the subject.
Target: Senior secondary students with a strong foundation and keen interest in advanced mathematical theories and concepts
Medium of Instruction: English

2. Workshop on Mathematical Modelling
The activity gives senior secondary students an introduction to mathematical modelling, which aims to develop students’ mathematical skills to solve real-life problems systematically. This event welcomes students interested in applied mathematics.

Date: 5, 7 Aug 2024
Time: 14:30 - 17:30
Speaker: Dr. Lily Li Pan
Title: Game Theory Unlocked
Abstract: Game theory, a captivating branch of mathematics, offers a unique perspective on strategic decision-making, with applications spanning diverse fields such as economics, politics, biology, and psychology. In this workshop, students will have the opportunity to delve into the fundamental concepts of game theory and explore how these principles can be applied to real-world challenges. Through interactive games and engaging discussions, students will gain valuable insights into strategic thinking and problem-solving.
Target: Senior secondary students (preferably knowing calculus)
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese supplemented with English

3. Lecture Series on Foundations of Mathematics
The lecture series will consist of three lectures. It aims to attract secondary school students with a strong interest in mathematics and introduce them to mathematical concepts such as set theory, logic, mathematical proofs, relations, and functions in a rigorous way. Students will understand how to construct mathematical objects in terms such as sets and elements. This series of lectures is expected to attract 50 students, and participating students will be awarded certificates if they complete the coursework and reach a satisfactory level.

Date: 31 Aug; 7, 14 Sep 2024
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Speakers: Dr. Wing Chung Fong and Dr. Kai Leung Chan
Title: The Line, the Square and the Cube: does dimension matter in size?
Abstract: In this lecture series, we shall introduce the notions of relations, functions, and equipotence. This will culminate in an exploration in the counter-intuitive ideas about cardinality and infinity first discovered by Georg Cantor, which changed the
landscape of the mathematical world forever. Prepare to be enlightened and inspired by the depth and elegance of these
fundamental mathematical concepts.
Target: Senior secondary students with a strong foundation and keen interest in advanced mathematical theories and concepts
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese supplemented with English

4. Mathematics Day Camp – Boolean Algebra and its Applications
The Day Camp is a whole-day mathematics-oriented STEM activity. Each round accommodates around 40 students from various schools. During the day camp, the speakers introduce the basics of mathematics, such as sets, functions, and logic, and provide an introduction to Boolean Algebra. Participants will apply mathematics knowledge acquired to circuit design and minimization. They will also construct circuits to solve real-life problems in the hands-on activities provided. Click here for more information.

Speakers: Dr. Kai Leung Chan, Dr. Lily Li Pan
Date: 17 Feb 2024 (1st round)
Participating Schools: Hong Kong True Light College, True Light Middle School of Hong Kong, Kowloon True Light Middle School and True Light Girls’ College

Date: 11 May 2024 (2nd round)
Participating Schools: Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, Henrietta Secondary School, St. Stephen's Church College, TWGHs. Kap Yan Directors College

Date: 13 July 2024 (3rd round)
Participating Schools: Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School, Cheung Chuk Shan College, Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin), LKWFSL Lau Wong Fat Secondary School

Date: 20 July 2024 (4th round)
Participating Schools: S.K.H. Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School, Shatin Pui Ying College, Wah Yan College (Kowloon), Yuen Long Merchants Association Secondary School

Schools interested in this activity are welcome to contact us by email via for more information.

5. Sponsorship for Two Algebraic Courses
Starting from 2024, The TUYF Charitable Trust will sponsor two algebraic courses, “Towards Modern Algebra” and “Introduction to Discrete Mathematics”, which will be offered every summer, along with our popular Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents (EPYMT) organized by the Department. (Click here for more information about EPYMT.)

The course "Towards Modern Algebra" will introduce the basic concepts of abstract algebra, including groups, rings and fields. The course "Introduction to Discrete Mathematics" will introduce basic mathematical topics, such as the concept of sets, logic, proofs and their applications in various areas including graph theory and game theory. These two courses are expected to attract 80 secondary school students to enrol. Upon completion of the courses and fulfilling the requirements as specified, students are eligible to apply for 1 credit exemption when they study at CUHK. Continuing its support to Hong Kong True Light College, the Mathematics Department will invite the school to recommend three high school students to participate in the course.

Speakers: Dr. Charles Chu Che Li (Towards Modern Algebra), Dr. Ming Ho Ng (Introduction to Discrete Mathematics)

6. Elite Student Mentorship Programme
The Department of Mathematics will nominate outstanding students in different activities (including EPYMT) to participate in this mentorship programme. This programme will be conducted in a group format, with a supervisor leading several students to explore a specific topic. Participating students will be required to read books or journal papers recommended by their supervisor, report their study progress regularly, and submit a written report upon completion of their studies.

Group 1:
Supervisor: Dr. Xiaoli Lin
Title: Exploration of Calculus and Real Analysis
Duration: July - August, 2024

Group 2:
Supervisor: Dr. Hugo Wai Leung Mak
Title: From Set Theory, Properties of Functions to Abstract Algebra
Duration: August - November, 2024

Group 3:
Supervisor: Dr. Hugo Wai Leung Mak
Title: The Use of Elementary Set Theory, Functional Equations and Inequalities in Solving Algebra Problems
Duration: August - November, 2024

Group 4:
Supervisor: Dr. Charles Chun Che Li
Duration: September - December, 2024

Supervisors and Date: Upon communication between the Department and participating students

Schools interested in this activity are welcome to contact us by email via for more information.