The Non-cutoff Boltzmann Equation in Bounded Domains

Wednesday, 26 June, 2024 - 14:30 - 17:30
LSB 222
Seminar Type: 
Lecture Series
Speaker Name: 
Prof. Dingqun DENG
Pohang University of Science and Technology

The mini-course includes the following six parts:
1. Problems: Inflow boundary and Maxwell boundary;
2. Tools: Interpolation inequality in Besov space and Velocity Averaging Lemma;
3. Key idea: Extension method and reverse extension Lemma;
4. Basic estimates: Regular change of variables, $L^2$ and $L^1$ collisional estimate;
5. De Giorgi iteration: $L^\infty$ estimate for non-vanishing data and vanishing data;
6. Nonlinear problem and global existence: $L^2$-$L^\infty$ estimate.