Compactness Theorems for conformal metrics with constant scalar curvature in dimension three

Tuesday, 11 July, 2023 - 09:00 - 12:00
Venue: (Passcode is six numbers: five-four-nine-seven-zero-eight)
Seminar Type: 
CUHK-CUNY-2023 Compactness and Scalar Curvature Workshop
Speaker Name: 
Dr. Shaodong WANG
McGill University

In this talk, I will be presenting results on the compactness of Yamabe problems on general
three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds with boundaries. The Yamabe problem is a
classical topic of study in conformal geometry that concerns the existence of metrics with
constant curvatures. In my presentation, I will be focusing on the cases with constant scalar
curvature in the interior and constant boundary mean curvature as well. This involves a
blow-up argument for nonlinear partial differential equations with critical nonlinearities both in
the interior and on the boundary. The talk is based on joint work with Sergio Almaraz
( and with both S. Almaraz and Olivaine Queiroz