Academic Visitors

Every year, scholars from different parts of the world come to our Department and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Their active participation and provision of expertise in our seminars, courses and other academic events have contributed substantially to our Department’s research and academic programmes.

Duration Name Affiliation Host
2024-06-01 to 2024-06-09 Prof. Xiaofeng REN George Washington University Prof. Juncheng WEI
2024-06-01 to 2024-06-09 Prof. Xiaofeng REN George Washington University Prof. Juncheng WEI
2024-06-01 to 2024-06-02 Prof. Shaobo LIN Xian Jiao Tong University Prof. Fenglei FAN
2024-05-29 Prof. Shaobo LIN Xian Jiao Tong University Prof. Fenglei FAN
2024-05-28 Prof. Tao YIN University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Fenglei FAN
2024-05-27 to 2024-05-31 Prof. Qin LI Southern University of Science and Technology Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN
2024-05-26 to 2024-06-01 Prof. Chao-Ming LIN Ohio State University Prof. Man Chun LEE
2024-05-26 to 2024-05-29 Prof. Pingwen ZHANG Wuhan University Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG
2024-05-26 to 2024-05-28 Prof. Gang BAO Zhejiang University Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG
2024-05-25 to 2024-05-30 Prof. Guanheng CHEN Shenzhen University Prof. Zhongtao WU
2024-05-24 to 2024-05-28 Prof. Zhiming CHENG Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Eric Tsz Shun CHUNG
2024-05-23 Dr. Wei HUANG RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) Prof. Fenglei FAN
2024-05-22 to 2024-05-27 Prof. Nicholas MCCLEEREY Purdue University Prof. Man Chun LEE
2024-05-19 to 2024-06-21 Dr Kunlun QI University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Prof. Liu LIU
2024-05-19 to 2024-05-31 Dr. Sukjoo LEE University of Edinburgh Prof. Kwok Wai CHAN
2024-05-13 to 2024-05-31 Prof. Yingnan WANG Shenzhen University Dr. Charles Chun Che LI
2024-05-13 to 2024-05-25 Dr. Junyan ZHANG National University of Singapore Prof. Chenyun LUO
2024-05-12 to 2024-05-19 Mr. Chenggang LONG Tsinghua University Prof. Juncheng WEI
2024-05-12 to 2024-05-19 Mr. Jungxuan SUN Tsinghua University Prof. Juncheng WEI
2024-05-07 to 2024-05-15 Prof. Meng WU University of Oulu Prof. Dejun FENG