Dr. Hongxu CHEN

Postdoctoral Fellow
B.S (Sun Yat-sen University)
M.S (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Ph.D (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

[Teacher's name in full]
Room 232A, Lady Shaw Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

(852) 3943 7978

Fields of Interest:
Kinetic theory, Fluid equation

Selected Publications:
  1. Chen, Hongxu, and Chanwoo Kim. "Gradient Decay in the Boltzmann theory of Non-isothermal boundary." arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.06933 (2023).

  2. Chen, Hongxu, and Chanwoo Kim. "Regularity of stationary Boltzmann equation in convex domains." Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 244.3 (2022): 1099-1222.

  3. Chen, Hongxu. "Regularity of Boltzmann Equation with Cercignani--Lampis Boundary in Convex Domain." SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 54.3 (2022): 3316-3378.

  4. Chen, Hongxu, Chanwoo Kim, and Qin Li. "Local well-posedness of Vlasov–Poisson–Boltzmann equation with generalized diffuse boundary condition." Journal of Statistical Physics 179.2 (2020): 535-631.

  5. Hongxu Chen. Cercignani-Lampis boundary in the Boltzmann theory. Kinetic and Related Models, 2020, 13(3): 549-597

  6. Chen, Hongxu, Qin Li, and Jianfeng Lu. "A numerical method for coupling the BGK model and Euler equations through the linearized Knudsen layer." Journal of Computational Physics 398 (2019): 108893.


Course Code Course Title Academic Year Term
MATH3270B Ordinary Differential Equations 2024/25 2
Course Code Course Title Academic Year Term
MATH6041B Topics in Differential Equations I 2023/24 1