Dr. Fan LYU

Research Associate
BSc, South China University of Technology;
PhD, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

[Teacher's name in full]
Room G06, Lady Shaw Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

(852) 3943 1984

Personal Website:

Fields of Interest:
Fractal geometry; Metric number theory.

Selected Publications:
  1. On dichotomy law for beta-dynamical system in parameter space, joint with Jun Wu, Math. Z., 296 (2020), no. 1–2, 661–683.

  2. Maximal run-length function for real numbers in betadynamical system, joint with Jun Wu, Nonlinearity 33 (2020), no. 6, 2640–2659.

  3. On the bifurcation set of unique expansions, joint with Charlene Kalle, Derong Kong and Wenxia Li, Acta Arith. 188 (2019), no. 4, 367–399.

  4. Quasi-Assouad dimension of fractals, joint with Li-Feng Xi, J. Fractal Geom. 3 (2016), no. 2, 187–215.

  5. Diophantine analysis in beta-dynamical systems and Hausdorff dimensions, joint with Jun Wu, Adv. Math. 290 (2016), 919–937.

Honours and Awards:
  • Natural Science Award of Sichuan Province (second class)