Prof. Chenyun LUO

Assistant Professor
BA (University of Rochester);
PhD (Johns Hopkins University)

[Teacher's name in full]

Room 213, Lady Shaw Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

(852) 3943-7981

Fields of Interest:
Iā€™m interested in Partial differential equations. Specifically, I study free-boundary problems in fluid dynamics.

Selected Publications:
  1. Z. Hu, C.Luo and Y. Yao. Small scale creation for 2D free boundary Euler equations with surface tension. Preprint, 2023. 17 pp. To
    appear in Ann. PDE.

  2. X.Gu, C.Luo and J. Zhang. Local well-posedness of the free-boundary incompressible magnetohydrodynamics with surface tension. J. Math.
    Pures Appl. (2024), 182, 31{115.

  3. M. M. Disconzi, C. Luo, G. Mazzone, J. Speck. Rough sound waves in 3D compressible Euler ow with vorticity. Selecta Mathematica 28,
    no. 2 (2022): 1{153.

  4. M. M. Disconzi and C. Luo. On the incompressible limit for the free boundary compressible Euler equations with surface tension in the case
    of a liquid. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 237, 829-897 (2020).

  5. C. Luo. On the motion of a compressible gravity water wave with vorticity. Ann. PDE, 4, no.2, (2018), 1-71.

  6. H. Lindblad and C. Luo. A priori estimate for the compressible Euler equations for a liquid with free surface boundary and the incompress-
    ible limit. Comm. Pure Appl. Math, 71, no.7, (2018), 1273-1333.

Major Research Grants:
  • 07/2022-06/2024, Collaborative Research Impact Matching Scheme (CRIMS). Co-PIs: Yong Yu (Mathematics), Hua-bai Li (Physics).
  • Research Grants Council - Early Career Scheme
  • Research Grants Council - General Research Fund

Honours and Awards:
  • Early Career Award, Research Grant Council
