Summer School in National Taiwan Univ. "Scientific Computing on Supercomputer" (Application Deadline: 8 June)

Date Posted: 
6 June, 2017

The Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences in National Taiwan University is organizing a summer school called “用超級電腦做科學計算” (Scientific Computing on Supercomputer) in the period June 26 to July 7, 2017. Detailed information is available on the following webpage:

Application procedure:

  1. Those UG and PG students that got A- in the two programming courses (the C++ course and the matlab course) are eligible to apply for this school.
  2. Deadline for applications: Please send your applications, including your updated transcript and CV, directly to Aggie Law at on or before 12:00noon on June 8. Any query of the school can be sent to Prof Renjun Duan at
  3. The department will recommend the successful applicants to this summer school on or before the deadline June 12, 2017 that is required by the organizers of the school.
  4. Please notice that you can only work on GPU instead of the super-computer because of licensing problem.