MATH3270B - Ordinary Differential Equations - 2017/18

Course Year: 


  • Welcome the course MATH3270B, the first class is on May 14, 2018.
  • Quiz 1 will be on May 25 (Friday) in the Tutorial class (45 minutes) at LSB LT2.
  • Midterm will be on June 8 (Friday) during 12:15 PM -- 1:15 PM (60 minutes) at LSB LT2. All topics of first order, second order and higher order ODEs will be covered.
  • Quiz 2 will be on June 22 (Friday) in the Tutorial class (45 minutes) at LSB LT2.
  • Final Exam will be on June 29 (Friday) during 11:15 AM -- 1:15 PM (120 minutes) at LSB LT2.

General Information


  • Prof. Jinkai LI
    • Office: 703 AB1
    • Tel: 3943 4375
    • Email:

Teaching Assistant

  • Ms. Dixi WANG
    • Office: LSB 232
    • Tel: 3943 5294
    • Email:

Time and Venue

  • Lecture: Mo 9:30AM - 12:15PM, Lady Shaw Bldg LT2; Fr 9:30AM - 12:15PM, Lady Shaw Bldg LT2
  • Tutorial: Mo 12:30PM - 1:15PM, Lady Shaw Bldg LT2; Fr 12:30PM - 1:15PM, Lady Shaw Bldg LT2


  • Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (tenth edition) by William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima

Lecture Notes

Tutorial Notes


Assessment Scheme

Two Quizzes  20%
Midterm  20%
Final Exam 60%

Honesty in Academic Work

The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Although cases of cheating or plagiarism are rare at the University, everyone should make himself / herself familiar with the content of the following website:

and thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.

Assessment Policy

Last updated: June 25, 2018 14:50:08