Academic Visitors

Every year, scholars from different parts of the world come to our Department and the Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Their active participation and provision of expertise in our seminars, courses and other academic events have contributed substantially to our Department’s research and academic programmes.

Duration Name Affiliation Host
2023-06-18 to 2023-06-21 Prof. Long CHEN University of California, Irvine Prof. Bangti JIN
Prof. Jun ZOU
2023-06-17 to 2023-06-28 Prof. Ngai Ching WONG National Sun Yat-sen University Prof. Chi Wai LEUNG
2023-06-17 to 2023-06-28 Prof. Chi-Keung NG Nankai University Prof. Chi Wai LEUNG
2023-06-15 to 2023-06-25 Prof. Gengsheng WANG Tianjin University Prof. Jun ZOU
2023-06-14 to 2023-06-16 Prof. Nicolas LANGRENE Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College Prof. Xiaolu TAN
2023-06-14 to 2023-06-16 Prof. Nicolas LANGRENE Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University, United International College Prof. Xiaolu TAN
2023-06-12 to 2023-06-24 Prof. Yuan CHEN The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Prof. Yong YU
2023-06-12 to 2023-06-23 Mr. Tsz Hin Antony FUNG Boston College Prof. Zhongtao WU
2023-06-07 to 2023-06-11 Prof. Thomas Yizhao HOU California Institute of Technology Prof. Jun ZOU
2023-06-05 to 2023-06-17 Mr. Chi Cheuk TSANG UC Berkeley Prof. Zhongtao WU
2023-06-04 to 2023-06-30 Mr. Ryosuke SHIMADA The University of Tokyo
2023-06-04 to 2023-06-09 Mr. Linli SHI University of Connecticut
2023-06-04 to 2023-06-09 Prof. Shouwu ZHANG Princeton University
2023-06-04 to 2023-06-09 Prof. Jingsong HUANG The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
2023-06-04 to 2023-06-09 Prof. Miaofen CHEN East China Normal University
2023-06-04 to 2023-06-09 Prof. Yifeng LIU Zhejiang University
2023-06-04 to 2023-06-09 Prof. Yannan QIU Southern University of Science and Technology
2023-06-04 to 2023-06-08 Prof. Yichao TIAN Chinese Academy of Sciences
2023-06-03 to 2023-06-09 Prof. Wei ZHANG Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2023-06-03 to 2023-06-09 Prof. Liang XIAO Peking University