Lecture 27
Origami and Mathematics
- 講者:林其鋒教授 香港中文大學 數學系
- 日期:2018年3月10日(星期六)
- 時間:上午 10:30 至 中午 12:00
- 地點:香港中文大學 何添樓 B6演講廳
- 語言:以粵語為主
- 講座簡報檔案下載 (pdf, 2.36MB)
- 簡介︰
Origami is the art of paper-folding. By unfolding an origami you obtain an intricate crease pattern on a piece of paper. How do we find the rules for these crease lines that allow us to fold a plane? The connection between geometry and origami seems clear, but tricky to write down precisely.
In this talk we will focus on one aspect of this connection - how to use origami to solve mathematical problems. We will see that by folding we can divide a piece of paper in equal fifths without using measurements, divide an angle into equal thirds, and even solve cubic equations.
Conversely, we will use mathematics to solve the problem of flat folding. That is, can you determine by looking only at the crease pattern that the origami is foldable and is also flat?
反過來,我們也可以用數學來解決摺紙的問題。 那就是,你能否只看摺痕,便確定有關圖案可被折疊並折平?
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