Please refer to the centralized course page 2021R2-MATH2070C on CUHK Blackboard for course information and announcements.

ZOOM Session Info

Always sign on to ZOOM via your CUHK student account.
You will need to sign on to ZOOM via the “Sign in with SSO” option, specifying “" as the company domain. (Otherwise, we will have no way of knowing who you are.) If you have previously signed on to ZOOM with a non-CUHK account (e.g. Facebook), you may need to “sign out” or “switch account” in order to sign in again via CUHK.

Lecture Slides

General Information

Time and Venue



Teaching Assistants

Mr. Zuodong MULSB 222B3943
Mr. Zichao LIN407B AB13943

Course Description

This course is intended as an introduction to modern abstract algebra and the way of algebraic thinking in advanced mathematics. The course focuses on basic algebraic concepts which arise in various areas of advanced mathematics, and emphasizes on the underlying algebraic structures which are common to various concrete mathematical examples.


Assessment Scheme

Tutorial 1%
Homework Assignment 14%
Midterm Test (March 16, 2022) 35%
Final Examination 50%

One must take the Final Examination in order to be eligible for passing the course.

Honesty in Academic Work

The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Although cases of cheating or plagiarism are rare at the University, everyone should make himself / herself familiar with the content of the following website:

and thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.