MATH1510I Section Announcements
The Midterm Exam for MATH1510I will take place at the following time and venue:
Date: Oct 24 (Thu)
Time: 19:00-21:00 (including the submission time)
Venue: BMS G18
Notice that the venue is *NOT* our usual classroom.
For all centralized course announcements, please go the Blackboard page
2024R1 Calculus for Engineers (A-I) (MATH1510).
Please go to the Blackboard site 2024R1_MATH1510I for all section-specific annoucements.
Course Information
Lecture Time and Venue: Monday 16:30-17:15 ERB 407
Thursday 16:30-18:15 LHC 104
Tutorial Time and Venue: Monday 13:30-14:15 CKB LT3
Lecturer: Dr. Ping-Shun Chan, Email:, Office: LSB209
Presentation Slides/Notes