Most updated arrangement for Friday: see here

Conference Info
Scientific Background
Plenary speakers
Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
Conference Program
Call for Minisymposia
Accepted Minisymposia
Registered Participants
Financial Support
Visitors' Info
Conference Venue
Conference Hotel

Conference Venue

Directions from Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Shatin to Conference (CYT):

The conference will be held in Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT) [Point 1]. It is located next to the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Shatin [Point 2]. It take approximately 2 minutes to walk from University MTR Station (Exit B) [Point 3]

Point 1: Conference Venue Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT)
Point 2: Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Shatin
Point 3: University Station (Exit B)

Directions from ALVA Hotel to Conference (CYT):

Point 1: Conference Venue Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT)
Point 2: University Station (Exit B)
Point 3: ALVA Hotel

Directions from Royal Park Hotel to Conference (CYT):

Point 1: Conference Venue Cheng Yu Tung Building (CYT)
Point 2: University Station (Exit B)
Point 3: Royal Park Hotel