Most updated arrangement for Friday: see here

Conference Info
Scientific Background
Plenary speakers
Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
Conference Program
Call for Minisymposia
Accepted Minisymposia
Registered Participants
Financial Support
Visitors' Info
Conference Venue
Conference Hotel

Minisymposium Proposal Submission

Welcome to the minisymposium proposal submission of The Second HKSIAM Biennual Meeting. Please submit your proposals according to the following guidelines:

  1. A minisymposium should consist of four 25-minute presentations, with an additional five minutes for discussion after each presentation.
  2. HKSIAM prefers a single individual to (co-)organize at most one minisymposium. However, a minisymposium can contain up to three parts, each part with four talks, under the same minisymposium title followed by "Part I", "Part II", and "Part III".
  3. HKSIAM requests that individuals limit themselves to giving two talk unless approvals have been obtained from co-chairs of the organizing committee. This does not apply to invited plenary speakers. We remind you to check whether your proposed speakers have been invited by other minisymposiums or not.
  4. Each minisymposium proposal should have a minimum of three confirmed speakers. Unconfirmed speakers can be listed as "TBD/TBA", yet proposals with a majority of "TBD/TBA" speakers risk immediate rejection.
  5. For more information, please refer to HKSIAM's Guidelines for Preparing a Minisymposium Proposal. You are invited to send your minisymposium proposal with 1) topic; 2) Description of the minisymposium (<150 words); 3) List of speakers, their affiliations and tentative titles to:
  6. The deadline of the submission is May 20, 2023, and the decision will be announced on May 23, 2023.