Most updated arrangement for Friday: see here

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Title: Optimization and its Applications to PDEs

Session 1

Name of the speaker Title University
Chenglong Bao On the Global R-Linear Convergence of NAG Method and Beyond Tsinghua University
Huangxin Chen Efficient Threshold Dynamics Methods for Topology Optimization for Fluid Xiamen Universit
Hao Luo A Continuous Perspective of the IC-PDPS Chongqing Normal University
Sam Reynolds Punctured FEM: Incorporating Multiply Connected Mesh Cells Portland State University

Session 2

Name of the speaker Title University
Bin Shi Nesterov’s Accelerated Gradient Descent and High-Resolution Differential Equation Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jingrong Wei Transformed Primal-Dual Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations University of California, Irvine
Yuan Yao Towards Sparse and Interpretable Learning via the Inverse Scale Space Method Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Xinyuan Zhao An Accelerated Proximal ADMM for Optimal Decentralized Control of Uncertain Systems Beijing University of Technology