Most updated arrangement for Friday: see here

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Title: Recent advances on mathematical imaging, scientific computing and machine learning

Session 1

Name of the speaker Title University
David Gu Characteristic Class of Fiber Bundle for Meshing Stony Brook University
Na Lei Conformal Geometric Methods for Medical Imaging Applications Dalian University of Technology
Xiaoqun Zhang Learnable Fourier Interpolation for Medical Image Reconstruction Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Min Zhang A Novel Extrem compression-rate Image Compression Framework Based on Optimal Transport Mapping Zhejiang University

Session 2

Name of the speaker Title University
Gunay Dogan Efficient Algorithms to Compute Elastic Shape Distances Between Closed Curves National Institute of Standards and Technology
Emil Saucan Can We See Shape From Data Braude College

Session 3

Name of the speaker Title University
Haixia Liu Distance Covariance-based Fair Classification Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Xiaohao Cai Segmentation and Classification using Deep Learning Technologies University of Southampton
Daoping Zhang A Unifying Framework for n-Dimensional Quasi-Conformal Mappings Nankai University