Centralized Course Homepage:


MATH1010E Section Announcements

ZOOM Session Info

Always sign on to ZOOM via your CUHK student account.
You will need to sign on to ZOOM via the “Sign in with SSO” option, specifying “cuhk.zoom.us" as the company domain. (Otherwise, we will have no way of knowing who you are.) If you have previously signed on to ZOOM with a non-CUHK account (e.g. Facebook), you may need to “sign out” or “switch account” in order to sign in again via CUHK.


Pre-Lecture Slides

Presentation Slides/Notes

Video recordings of the lectures may be accessed via the "ZOOM" button on the Blackboard page for this section.

Videos recording links for students without access to the MATH 1010E Blackboard page

General Information


Teaching Assistants

Mr. Yiqi HUANG MPhil LSB G08 yqhuang@math.cuhk.edu.hk
Ms. Xueling DONG MPhil AB1 614 3943 4109 xldong@math.cuhk.edu.hk

Useful Links