if (isset($_POST["submit"]))
$to = "ljwang.math@whu.edu.cn,wanglj517@126.com";
//$to = "roger@math.cuhk.edu.hk";
$subject = "Registration for ICIP2010 conference";
$headers = "From: support@math.cuhk.edu.hk";
$message0 = "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$message1 = "Registration Type: $_POST[type]\n\n";
$message2 = "Title: $_POST[title]\n\n";
$message3 = "First Name: $_POST[firstname]\n\n";
$message4 = "Last Name: $_POST[lastname]\n\n";
$message5 = "Gender: $_POST[gender]\n\n";
$message6 = "Organization: $_POST[organization]\n\n";
$message7 = "Address: $_POST[address]\n\n";
$message8 = "Email: $_POST[email]\n\n";
$message9 = "Give a talk: $_POST[talk]\n\n";
$message10 = "Talk title: $_POST[talktitle]\n\n";
$message = $message0.$message1.$message2.$message3.$message4.$message5.$message6.$message7.$message8.$message9.$message10;
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
$to2 = $_POST[email];
$subject2 = "Registration for ICIP2010 conference (confirmation)";
//$headers2 = "From: support@math.cuhk.edu.hk";
//$headers2 = "From: tschung@math.cuhk.edu.hk";
$headers2 = "From: ljwang.math@whu.edu.cn,wanglj517@126.com";
$messageA = "Dear $_POST[title] $_POST[firstname], $_POST[lastname]\n\n";
$messageB = "This is a notification that we have received your registeration.\n\n";
$messageC = "If you have any problem, please contact Prof. LiJuan Wang (ljwang.math@whu.edu.cn or wanglj517@126.com)\n\n";
$messageD = "Yours sincerely,\n";
$messageE = "ICIP2010 Organizers\n";
$message2 = $messageA.$messageB.$messageC.$messageD.$messageE;
mail($to2, $subject2, $message2, $headers2);
International Conference on Inverse Problems

- The conference will charge no registration fees
- Please fill in the following information