***Call reopened. New deadline: October 15, 2020***
We are now inviting contributed talks that fit the themes of DD26, which include theoretical, algorithmic and implementation aspects of domain decomposition methods, solvers for multiphysics problems, parallel-in-time methods, multigrid and multilevel methods, fast solvers and preconditioning, and applications of such methods in physics and engineering. Each talk should last 25 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes for questions. Contributed talks will be grouped into sessions according to their themes.
If you would like to give a talk in the contributed talk sessions, please send your name, institution, talk title and abstract to dd26@math.cuhk.edu.hk by August 15, 2019 October 15, 2020 (new deadline for 2020), and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Important: Talks that were previously accepted for 2019 are automatically accepted for this round. Speakers will be contacted to confirm their participation and may update their talk titles/abstracts, if necessary.
Note: Potential speakers whose topics fit well within one of the minisymposia may wish to contact the minisymposium organizers to see if their talk could be included in that session.