Framelet-Based Methods for Video Enhancement

Raymond H. Chan, Yiqiu Dong, and Zexi Wang

  1. Download the full video (52Mbytes) 

  2. Download the 21-frame video used in the computation (5Mbytes) 

  3. Numerical results for still enhancement


                                               (a) The original frame                                                                         (b) Part of the original image


    (c) Reconstructed high-resolution image                                                  (d) Reconstructed high-resolution image

         using bilinear interpolation                                                                      using the Framelet-Based method

  5. Numerical results for video enhancement
    1. download the original video covering the image in part 3(b).

    2. download the enhanced video covering the image in part 3(b) using framelet approach.

    3. download the enhanced video covering the image in part 3(b) using bilinear interpolation.