Time and Venue
- Lectures: 0930-1215hrs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, LSB LT1.
Grading Policy
- Coursework: 20%
- Quiz: 35% (06/06)
- Project (Oral Presentation and Written Report): 45%
For more details, please refer to the course information sheet.
Presentation Schedule
Titles are arranged in alphabetical order.- 08/06 morning (0945-1215hrs): Elevator Logic, Greedy Nim.
- 10/06 morning (0945-1315hrs): Blackout Puzzle, Col, Cut Cake, Hex, Minority Game, Reversi.
- 13/06 morning (0945-1315hrs): Chomp, Decryption, Dots and Boxes, Hackenbush, Northcott's Game, Prisoners and the Beans.
- 16/05
- Instant Insanity
- Solitaires
- Further Reading. Berlekamp, Conway, Guy: Winning Ways (Second Edition) Volume 4, Page 803-807.
- 18/05
- Overview of Many-person Games
- Dawson's Chess
- Beyond Dawson's Chess
- Further Reading. Berlekamp, Conway, Guy: Winning Ways (Second Edition) Volume 1, Page 1-4.
- 20/05
- Combinatorial Games
- Subtraction Game
- Another Impartial Game
- Further Reading. Martin Gardner: Mathematical Games, Scientific American Volume 230 (February 1974) Page 106-108.
- 25/05
- Nim
- More about Impartial Game
- Further Reading. Charles Bouton: Nim, a Game with a Complete Mathematical Theory, Annals of Mathematics Second Series, Volume 3, No 1/4 (1901-02) Page 35-39.
- Further Reading. Martin Gardner: Mathematical Games, Scientific American Volume 197 (February 1957) Page 145-146, 148, 150.
- Further Reading. Berlekamp, Conway, Guy: Winning Ways (Second Edition) Volume 3, Page 541-543.
- 27/05
- Cram and Domineering
- Outcome Classes of Combinatorial Games
- Further Reading. Martin Gardner: Mathematical Games, Scientific American Volume 235 (September 1976) Page 206-211.
- 30/05
- Two-person One-turn Zero-sum Games
- Further Reading. O. G. Haywood, Jnr.: Military Decisions and Game Theory, Journal of the Operations Research Society of America (Number 4, Volume 2), November 1954.
- 01/06
- Zero-sum Matrix Games
- Further Reading. K. Binmore:Aims and Scope of Game Theory, Essays on the Foundations of Game Theory (Chapter 1).
- 03/06
- Two-person One-turn Non-zero-sum Games
- Stable Matchings
- Further Reading. Gale, Shapley: College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage, American Mathematical Monthly Volume 69) 1962, Page 9-15.
- Exercise 1 (Solution)
- Exercise 2 (Solution)
- Exercise 3 (Solution)
- Exercise 4 (Solution)
- Exercise 5 (Solution)
- Exercise 6 (Solution)
- Exercise 7 (Solution)
- Exercise 8 (Solution)
Last modified: 0001hrs, 19-06-2016 (HKT)