
September 12:

Dear Students of MATH1010,

The due dates for CW1 - CW10 are:

The guidelines for the ten WeBWorK courseworks:

  • 1. The weekly WeBWorK coursework exercises will be released every Thursday NOON.
  • 2. Our MATH1010 TAs will demonstrate a few worked examples for you every face-to-face Thursday in our regular Tutorial class and provide you with a Q&A activity.
  • 3. Please submit the weekly WeBWorK coursework answers the following specific dates before 11:59 AM.

Yours truly,


Department of Mathematics

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Coursework Due Date
Coursework 1 October 4, 2024 before 11:59 AM
Coursework 2 October 4, 2024 before 11:59 AM
Coursework 3 October 4, 2024 before 11:59 AM
Coursework 4 October 11, 2024 before 11:59 AM
Coursework 5 October 25, 2024 before 11:59 AM
Coursework 6 November 1, 2024 before 11:59 AM
Coursework 7 November 8, 2024 before 11:59 AM
Coursework 8 November 22, 2024 before 11:59 AM
Coursework 9 December 2, 2024 before 11:59 AM
Coursework 10 December 2, 2024 before 11:59 AM
September 12: Tutorial Classes

From September 12 onward, you will have face-to-face tutorial classes.

\( \quad \quad \) Here are a few tips.

  • a) Please get used to logging in and operating Blackboard and WeBWorK. Be punctual.
  • b) The weekly WeBWorK coursework exercises will be released every Thursday at NOON.
  • c) Our MATH1010 TAs will demonstrate a few worked examples for you every Thursday in our regular face-to-face tutorial class and provide a Q&A session.
  • d) Please submit the weekly WeBWorK coursework answers before the deadline, which is every next Friday before 11:59 AM.
September 5:

On September 5, there will be a short review test covering many basic questions using the (online) WeBWorK platform. The test will be open from 5 - 7 pm. Don’t panic. We will inform you of the result of this test—either pass or fail. If you receive an F grade, please talk to your session lecturer. We recommend that you attend all MATH1010 tutorial classes regularly.

We encourage you to join this dry run for using WeBWorK.

This is a one-time event. No make-up review test will be provided.

Before joining the review test, please carefully read the test guidelines (Click Here).

September 2:

Due to the Inauguration Ceremony for undergraduate classes, MATH1010B and MATH1010C are suspended on September 2. Therefore, students do not need to attend class on that day.

Should you have any questions, please email to:

MATH1010B: Dr. NIU Gongping at


MATH1010C: Dr. MAK Hugo Wai Leung at

For MATH1010D and MATH1010E, the first lesson starts at 2:30 pm.