w -Circulant Preconditioners for HPD Toeplitz -Circulant Preconditioners for HPD Toeplitz Systems and Their Applications

Hong LIU1
Institute of Geology and Geophysics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: liuhong@mail.c-geos.ac.cn

We propose a new embedding method to deduce preconditioners for Hermitian positive definite (HPD) Toeplitz matrices An, and the solutions of HPD An xn = bn have been studied by the preconditioned conjugate gradient method(PCGM). We finally prove that under the Wiener class assumption, the preconditioned Toeplitz systems will have a clustered spectrum and the PCGM converges in a finite number of iterations independent of n so that the computational complexity for solving these Toeplitz systems is O(nlogn). This new method can be considered as a generalized one and many former methods have been proved as just its special cases. We have also demonstrated some applications.


1 Joint work with JinShun MEI and YouMing LI.

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