Matrix Times Random Vector Matrix Times Random Vector

Albrecht BÖTTCHER1
Faculty of Mathematics
Chemnitz University of Technology

Given a real n ×n matrix An, we compute the expectation and the variance of the random variable || An x||2 where x is uniformly distributed on the unit sphere of the Euclidean Rn. Combining the result with results by Avram, Parter, and Tyrtyshnikov on singular value distribution, we can show that if An = Tn(b) is a Toeplitz matrix and n is large, then || Tn(b)x || / (||Tn(b)|| ||x||) clusters fairly sharp around the constant || b||2/||b||¥. We discuss applications of this observation to structured normwise condition numbers, and we also embark on the behavior of the distance of a large Toeplitz band matrix to the nearest singular matrix.


1 Joint work with S. GRUDSKY.

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