Most updated arrangement for Friday: see here

Conference Info
Scientific Background
Plenary speakers
Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
Conference Program
Call for Minisymposia
Accepted Minisymposia
Registered Participants
Financial Support
Visitors' Info
Conference Venue
Conference Hotel


Hong Kong Society for Industry and Applied Mathematics (HKSIAM)

Hong Kong Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (HKSIAM) is based in Hong Kong and connecting the international community. We are committed to advancing the application of mathematics and computational science to engineering, industry, science, and society; to promoting research that will lead to effective new mathematical and computational methods and techniques for science, engineering, industry, and society; and to providing media for the exchange of information and ideas among mathematicians, engineers, and scientists.

HKSIAM Biennial Conference

The purpose of the HKSIAM Biennial conference is to provide a forum to expose the mathematical community to the most updated advances in the field of industrial and applied mathematics, which further promotes research on various mathematical problems arising from economic development and technological advancement. A key feature of the conference is our intention to invite some world-renowned mathematicians who are working at the frontiers of industrial and applied mathematics to give distinguished lectures. Another aim of the event is to bring together different groups of mathematicians working on industrial and applied mathematics in Hong Kong and to stimulate new mathematical ideas, initiate and enhance the existing collaborations between the researchers in Hong Kong and the international community to produce first-rate results in this area. This first HKSIAM Biennial conference was successfully held in January 11-15, 2021. For more information, please see: IAS Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Jan 11-15, 2021) (